1.) Are there any prominent symbols in the story? If so, what are they and how are they used?
Climates played very important role in the development of the story. Underwater and Dry Land were heart and motif of the story. It is the source of progression and conflict that make the whole scenario possible and also determined all the characters identity and their point of view. While water represents the origin and those who cling on to the original way of life such as uncle, dry land represents adaptation. Some character such as Lll represents one that was born on the transformed way of life but choose to return to the original way. In the end, the story reflected that different kind of world were meant for different individuals.
2.) What connections did you make with the story you read? Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect.
I read some of the works in the same collection of these short stories and I found the use of language and concept very romantic. The way natural elements were used as a motif that ties to characters way of life resonates to me and my taste strongly. In term of story in Aquatic Uncle, I can sympathize with the message deeply with my personal experience. I’ve had a lot of experience overseas in several countries at this age and that effect the way I identify my identity. While I carry some trait of my origin, who I actually am is what I’ve become through adaptation and decision.
3.) What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use? What changes would you make?
At first this story reminded me of an Anime I’ve seen called Nagi no Asukara(Lull under the sea). A very similar setting were used and some can be apply in the adaptation of Aquatic Uncle. I can see a potential for this story to be adapted into a visual narrative such as comic, animation and especially children's book. To achieve that I think the characters could be redesign, not necessarily into a human but somehow more humanoid with lifestyle we can associate with.
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