Thursday, January 29, 2015

WEEK2 Interview with a Vampire

     Vampire fiction is a new reading experience to me. I thought that the appearance of this genre seems somewhat interesting but once I get a glimpse of what the true nature of this genre is I started to get inspired by it. I got over the perspective that vampires are the representation of true evil and start seeing them as a kind of being with an entirely different logic that represents areas of grey. To me, Vampires are an exaggerate reflection of certain human nature like desires that are difficult to resist especially passion toward something. When you think about it, if bloods are food to vampires then we can’t really differentiate them from ourselves that feast on lives of others. On the other hands, Vampires in The Interview with Vampire could be considered more manneristic than human because they actually saved life of a sickly girl by granted her an immortality. They might have sucked other humans’ blood to death but at least they understand come concept of restrain. 

    What I found fascinating in a character reflects through Letat is a vibes of eccentric wisdom that seems to come from his immortality. Whether he has been a human before or not he lives among the same world as us yet he have seen it from more point of views than we have. It was hard to tell whether his indifferent expression was an effect of his vampiric existence or a human who’ve seen more than the others, that in itself is a sign that there is a degree of solitude or an emotion in him. At this point we can understand that vampires also have a heart. It is just more difficult for us to understand those who live a different mind. Night and darkness represents that part of the world in which we couldn’t fully perceive while vampires lives as part of it. That world might have been so small that the connection means a lot to them. I found the use of word and a concept of ‘family’ through Vampire quite meaningful. When Claudia snuggled Lestat and when they enjoyed sucking blood(which also represents physical contact) there is a tiny presence of happiness that vibrates meaningfully through these transcendental beings. 

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